Welcome to Class 8D's Blogspot

Visit our blogspot regularly to keep up to date with daily homework, assignments, projects, tests and announcements.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26th

We were unable to attend True Davidson today, due to the uncertainty of negotiations between CUPE 79 and the City of Toronto.

- Oil Spill Clean Up
-Pg. 259 #6, 7, 11

-Read pg. 7 - 17

-Review transformations
-Review sheet

-Started theatre production of Third Gift

-Worked on Keynote Presentation
-due in 2 weeks

BONUS:  Who is checking our class website??  Send me an email with the answer to the trivia question, and the first three responses get a prize.  What is my email address??  It's on the blog somewhere.

TRIVIA QUESTION:  What District does Katniss Everdeen live in??