Welcome to Class 8D's Blogspot

Visit our blogspot regularly to keep up to date with daily homework, assignments, projects, tests and announcements.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd

Character Award Assembly


-discussed over-population
-write jot notes in class

-collected population bar graph
-returned transformation evaluation
-intro to line graphs.  Finish sheet.

-Review of Hunger Games.  Finish sheet.
-Practiced Third Gift play.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Monday, April 2nd

-Population bar graphs of 10 countries with questions
-due Tuesdsay

-Pg. 10 - 11 #1-3
-Forgot to collect today.  Due Tuesday.

-Alternate point of view on KONY 2012
-Written task completed in class.  Check out display in hallway.

Congrats to William and Nayeemur who won a silver medal at the Toronto Science Fair

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Friday, March 30th

Field Trip
-Hunger Games

-Complete GeoSkills Pg 10-11 from Thursday.  Do #1-3.  Hand in on Monday, if you didn't hand it in already.

Trivia question:  (email the answer)
Where does Hunger Games take place??

BTW - Good luck to William, Nayeemur, and Joe at the Toronto Science Fair!