Welcome to Class 8D's Blogspot

Visit our blogspot regularly to keep up to date with daily homework, assignments, projects, tests and announcements.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Wednesday, December 7th

-Returned Cat's in the Cradle Assignment
-Reflection question on Rocky Mountain Express.  Due tomorrow
-Finished Career Cruising activity.  Collected in class.

-Returned Mapping Toronto's History response
-Worked on skits/flags/tableaus.  We will present on Monday

-Returned polydron assignment.
-Finished working on Platonic Solids mobile.  Due in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Tuesday, December 6th

Our Trip to the Ontario Science Centre

Monday, December 05, 2011

Monday,December 5th

Science presentations start on Dec.15th.  You have 2 computer labs and 2 class period times.  The rest has to be done at home.

Food Drive
Food drive starts today and ends at Dec.16th.
Bring food!

French crossword due next day.

Started looking at the concerns of different colonies prior to Confederation.  Students are working in groups.  You have a choice of:  creating a flag, presenting a skit, or presenting a tableau.  It is due Thursday.

Career Cruising
Continued working on Career Cruising worksheets.  We will continue this on Wednesday.  It is due at the end of class on Wednesday.

Continued working on the Platonic Solids.  We will continue working on this on Wednesday.  The project is due on Thursday.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Friday, Dec 2nd

-Platonics solids
-Create platonic solids using nets
-Look at the relationship between faces, edges, vertices
-Due on Wednesday